Shopping for car insurance for an 18 year old driver
The day you turn 18 is a memorable day for you because you've now reached a milestone in your life. You are legally an adult and can from this day onwards make your own decisions and do not require anyone to sign on your behalf.
If you're been wise, you would already be holding a driving license for a year now since you are allowed to drive at 17. This would mean you now have a whole year's driving experience together with a full year of no claims bonus which would entitle you to a massive discount for your 18 year old car insurance.
However if you haven't been pro-active enough, you will have to face up to the fact that car insurance for 18 year olds are quite expensive since you are still young and regarded as very risky by the insurers.
While there are ways to reduce car insurance for young drivers, you will not see a huge cut in your insurance quote. You are more likely to save some £500 but your overall premiums will still be over £2000.
So where do you take it from there? Well you need to know that each car insurance company tries to target a specific group of people and consequently will provide you with the best and cheapest quote if you happen to fall within that group. For example, Saga specialises in over 50's car insurance, therefore people having reached this age will get cheaper car insurance with them than with any other company.
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