2.99 Gas Promotion from Chrysler - Good and Bad
Chrysler, the world known American car manufacturer, has just launched its 2.99 gas promotion program in the United States. With this move, the company has started some very intense fighting between the supporters and the opponents of this idea.
The prices for oil have risen significantly over the past few years, putting much pressure on the economy and the people’s budgets. If the gas prices continue to revolve around the $3.60/gallon mark, people having large, thirsty V-8 cars will pay very much for their fuel.
To combat the rising of gas prices, Chrysler has launched its $2.99 gas guarantee program. In short, people that buy a car built by the Chrysler Corporation in a given period will only pay $2.99 per gallon at any gas station and the company will support the difference between $2.99 and the actual gas price.
While other American car manufacturers have stated that they would not initiate such a program, a Japanese carmaker, Suzuki, has just launched a similar promotion: for the cars bought between May 1st and June 30th, Suzuki will offer its promotion called “Free Gas for the Summer” and they expect this campaign to boost their sales.
The supporters of Chrysler’s promotion state that Chrysler’s promotion is very tempting, especially if you consider the gas prices are likely to go up in the nest years, there are some things you should know before getting enthusiastic. Not only this, but they also say that other car manufacturers have followed Chrysler’s example.
However, there are people that are against Chrysler’s promotion and they have shown that you benefit more from a traditional cash back rebate promotion than from Chrysler’s program. If you have observed the car market for a while, you are familiar with the cash back rebates car manufacturers offer their clients.
Chrysler has changed this promotion with its new $2.99 gas guarantee program. The question is if this offer has more benefits for the client than a cash back rebate.
There is no secret that Chrysler is facing significant sales problems. They have been producing large vehicles and heavy duty trucks for many years now, but today’s car market has changed and they are somewhat behind their competition.
While Americans are demanding more, smaller, and medium sized cars with better fuel consumption, Chrysler is still offering large V-8 cars. Some of their cars have the lowest mileage numbers in their segments and while the carmakers are announcing an increase in sales, Chrysler is still announcing lower figures. For example, Sebring, Chrysler’s medium sedan, has yet to reach high selling numbers and it offers 30mpg on the highway.
When it comes to Chrysler’s $2.99 promotion, car market specialists have taken a car belonging to the Chrysler Group: Dodge Durango, a classic SUV. It has a 5.7-liter V-8 engine and given its declared mileage of 18mpg on the highway, by benefitting from Chrysler’s promotion you only save around $420 per year.
This is far less then the usual $2.000 cash back rebates other carmakers are offering for their vehicles. Not to say that other important players on this market are offering more economic vehicles with standard cash back rebates, assuring you will pay less for gas after you have bought the car. Chrysler, on the other hand, is offering gas thirsty cars with a promotion that only saves you a few hundred dollars per year.
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